



Test :



  1. Desktop computer - 台式电脑
  1. Dissection - 解剖
  1. 3D animation - 三维动画
  1. Hardware - 硬件
  1. Microscope - 显微镜
  1. Nanoscopic view - 纳米级视图
  1. Transistor - 晶体管
  1. Integrated circuit (IC) - 集成电路
  1. Die - 芯片
  1. Printed circuit board (PCB) - 印刷电路板
  1. Central Processing Unit (CPU) - 中央处理器
  1. Integrated heat spreader - 集成散热片
  1. Landing grid array - 焊盘阵列
  1. Motherboard - 主板
  1. Core - 核心
  1. L3 memory cache - L3缓存
  1. Ring interconnect - 环形互连
  1. Integrated graphics processor - 集成图形处理器
  1. Memory controller - 内存控制器
  1. System agent - 系统代理
  1. Platform I/O - 平台输入/输出
  1. Chipset - 芯片组
  1. Display - 显示器
  1. Solid State Drive (SSD) - 固态硬盘
  1. M2 slot - M2插槽
  1. Ethernet - 以太网
  1. Wi-Fi - 无线网
  1. SATA port - SATA端口
  1. PCIe slot - PCIe插槽
  1. Voltage regulator module (VRM) - 电压调节模块
  1. Power supply - 电源
  1. Transformer - 变压器
  1. Opto-isolator - 光电耦合器
  1. Switching power transistor - 开关电源晶体管
  1. Filter - 过滤器
  1. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) - 图形处理器
  1. HDMI - 高清多媒体接口
  1. Display Port - 显示端口
  1. Streaming multiprocessor - 流多处理器
  1. Floating-point arithmetic - 浮点运算
  1. DRAM - 动态随机存取存储器
  1. Memory bank - 存储库
  1. 1T1C memory cell - 1T1C存储单元
  1. 3D NAND - 3D NAND闪存
  1. Charge trap - 电荷陷阱
  1. NVMe - 非易失性内存主机控制器接口
  1. SATA - 串行ATA
  1. Hard disk drive (HDD) - 硬盘驱动器
  1. Spindle - 主轴
  1. Read/write head - 读/写磁头
  1. Magnetic domain - 磁畴
  1. Scroll wheel - 滚轮
  1. Infrared light - 红外线
  1. Image sensor - 图像传感器
  1. Battery - 电池
  1. Processor - 处理器
  1. Keyboard - 键盘
  1. Plastic traces - 塑料电路
  1. Engineering education - 工程教育
Throughout this video we’re going to do a desktop computer dissection using 3D animation. Kind of like a dissection lab in biology class, but instead, we’ll journey through the inside of this computer and disassemble every piece of [hardware ]. We’ll then use a microscope and zoom in to give you a nanoscopic view of the [transistors ] and other structures inside. To make this video we disassembled all the [hardware ] inside a typical desktop computer, we desoldered and removed the components from each of the [printed circuit boards ] and took thousands of pictures. Then using these pictures, we meticulously 3D modeled every single component from the [computer case ] down to the tiniest [resistor ]. As a result, here’s all the [hardware ] that we’ll explore throughout this video. It kind of looks like a crime scene where someone viciously destroyed a computer and arranged all the components, but anyways let’s dive right in.
We’ll begin this journey with the [Central Processing Unit ] or [CPU ] which is the brain of the computer. On top we have the cover, called an [integrated heat spreader ], and inside is a smaller metal package that holds the [integrated circuit ] which is technically called a [die ]. This [die ] is mounted on a [printed circuit board ] that distributes the 1200 connection points to landing pads that interface with the [landing grid array ] on the [motherboard ]. The [integrated circuit ] inside has a few different sections, but perhaps the most recognizable are the 10 cores where programs and instructions are run. Each core is quite complicated, so here’s a diagram laying out the different functional sections. There are dozens of rather complicated elements in this diagram, and you can look forward to a series of videos we’re currently planning which will explore [computer architecture ] and how each of these sections work.
Let’s zoom into a nanoscopic view of the [integrated circuit ] so we can see individual [transistors ]. These [transistors ] are incredibly small, only a few nanometers wide and in this [die ] there are approximately 8 to 10 billion. On top of the [transistors ] are multiple layers of metal wires with vias rising vertically between the layers. Together these [transistors ] and wires create a multilayer labyrinth or highway resulting in a computer that can execute billions of operations every second. Let’s now zoom out and look at other sections of the [CPU ]. To the side of each core is the shared [L3 memory cache ] and [ring interconnect ]. On the far right is an [integrated graphics processor ] which functions as a less powerful [GPU ]; in the top left is the [memory controller ] which sends data to and from the [DRAM ]; and finally on the far left is the [system agent ] and [platform I/O ], which communicates with the [Chipset ] on the [motherboard ] and manages the flow of data between many of the other components in your PC.
This [motherboard ] is a massive, [printed circuit board ] with thousands of wires running inside and a variety of [microchips ], components, sockets, ports, slots, headers, and connectors soldered to it. Perhaps the single most important and expensive component, aside from the bare PCB, is the [Chipset ], which is this [integrated circuit ] found underneath a heat sink down here and is connected directly to the [system agent ] section in the [CPU ]. Here’s a diagram illustrating how the [CPU ] and [chipset ] are connected to everything else. As seen here, the [CPU ] connects directly to the [DRAM ], one or two displays, the [GPU ], and perhaps a few [SSDs ] plugged into the [M2 slots ]. The [Chipset ] manages most everything else: data flowing through the [ethernet ] or [Wi-Fi ], data going to and from [solid state drives ] and [hard drives ] plugged into the [SATA ports ], some of the [PCIe slots ], your keyboard and mouse, USB devices, and the audio sent to the speakers or from the microphone.
Just a quick note, [computer hardware ] has evolved immensely over the past 65 years and continues to evolve, so the details we show should be thought of as a current day example PC and not as how all computers work. Let’s move on and skip over the many different sockets and connectors throughout the [motherboard ] and focus on the [voltage regulator module ] or [VRM ] found near the [CPU ]. These components are used to drop the voltage coming from the [power supply ] down to the 1.3 volts used by the [CPU ]. As a result of all the power flowing through these components and their 80 to 90 percent efficiency, heat sinks need to be placed on top. While we’re on the topic of power, this [CPU ] consumes power equivalent to approximately 16 LED bulbs, thus generating a considerable amount of heat which is taken away by the [CPU cooler ]. This particular cooler uses a pump to circulate liquid through these tubes and into the radiator’s channels which transfers heat to the radiator fins. The fans then help transfer the heat to the air and the cooled liquid returns to the pump via the return loop. The pump is a brushless [DC motor ] constructed from a [PCB ], a control chip, and a stator on the dry side, a barrier in the middle, and then the permanent magnet rotor and impeller on the liquid side. There’s no mechanical connection between the rotor and stator, thereby preventing any leaks of the cooling liquid.
Let’s move onto the [power supply ] which distributes power throughout the computer. In here, the main transformer reduces the voltage and bridges the isolation boundary between the primary side high voltage and the secondary side lower voltages used throughout your computer. Here’s the control [PCB ] that ensures a stable output voltage and sends adjustment signals to the switching power transistor on the primary side using opto-isolators. There are dozens of other components used to filter the input voltage and generate various output voltages which are then sent to all the different [hardware ] in your computer. For example, an [SSD ] consumes just a few watts, and the connector uses these voltages, whereas your [GPU ] can consume hundreds of watts using these connectors and these voltages.
Next, we’ll explore the [GPU ], but before that, let’s take a step back and consider the technology we’ve covered thus far. Alone, each of these components doesn’t do much at all, but when united, they combine to form a powerful system. Similarly, this video is a multidisciplinary combination of engineering, technology, art, and animation inspired by the Magic School Bus.
Let’s get back to dissecting this computer and move onto the [graphics card ] and [GPU ] which is also the brain of the computer… well, actually this analogy doesn’t really work very well but anyway… Opening the [graphics card ] we see another [PCB ], with the [GPU’s integrated circuit ] in the center, [VRAM ] chips all around, and the [voltage regulator module ] on the side. Above the IC is a heat sink with a fan to dissipate heat, and on the side of the [graphics card ] are [HDMI ] and [Display Ports ], a [PCIe Interface ], and then on the other side is the input power connector.
Let’s focus on the [GPU integrated circuit ] which, similar to the [CPU ], has more than a thousand solder pads that connect it to the [PCB ]. Opening the packaging we find the [GPU die ] which is noticeably different from the [CPU ]. In here are approximately 11.8 billion [transistors ] organized into 6 [graphics processing clusters ], totaling 28 [streaming multiprocessors ]. Each [streaming multiprocessor ] is composed of 128 cores, resulting in a total of 3,584 cores. Each core has sections for integer and floating-point arithmetic, and sections for queueing in the operands and collecting the results and is far simpler than a [CPU core ]. Additionally, on the [die ] is an [L2 memory cache ] shared among all the [graphics processing clusters ], a set of [memory controllers ] that connect to the [VRAM ] located around the processor, and a [PCIe interface ] for connecting to the [CPU ].
When we zoom in to see a nanoscopic view of the [integrated circuit ] we find something very similar to what we saw in the [CPU ], with the [transistors ] on the bottom and a labyrinth of multiple layers of metal wires above. All these structures are manufactured in multibillion dollar semiconductor fabrication plants or fabs but that’s a topic for a whole different video, so let’s move on. [GPUs ] and [CPUs ] are similar in many ways, however, [GPUs ] have thousands of cores that are limited to basic arithmetic, whereas [CPUs ] have only a handful of cores that perform far more complicated operations. Additionally, [CPUs ] have branch prediction and deep pipelines that optimize the execution of code. Here’s a quick example of what [GPUs ] can do. Take this image comprised of 16 million pixels each with [RGB values ] for each pixel. A simple way to brighten the image is to add 20 to each of these numbers. A [CPU ] has 10 cores and thus performs arithmetic 10 numbers at a time whereas [GPUs ] distribute the data to thousands of cores thus performing magnitudes more parallel processing.
Let’s close this [graphics card ] and talk briefly about the 3D model. Note that this is a slightly older model [graphics card ] because we buy most of our [hardware ] as non-functioning parts from eBay, and then, as shown earlier, we tear them down rather destructively in order to accurately model everything.
Additionally, sometimes components shown aren’t compatible, such as this [motherboard ] that says DDR4, while the [DRAM ] is DDR5.
That said, modeling and animating everything to make it feel like you’re actually inside a computer took us around 500 hours and we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few seconds to hit that like button, subscribe if you haven’t already, type up a quick comment below, and share this video with someone who will enjoy it. Also, we have a Patreon and would appreciate any support. We’re planning more videos on [computer architecture ] and other related topics and can’t do it without your help, so thank you for doing these 4 quick things. It helps a ton.
Let’s move on and look at the [DRAM ], [Solid State Drives ], and [Hard Drives ]. We’re not going to spend too long, because we have an entire series of videos on [solid state drives ], and then separate videos covering [DRAM ], and [Hard Drives ]. But quickly, the [CPU ] communicates directly with the [DRAM ] through memory channels running inside the [motherboard ]. Inside each of these 8 [DRAM chips ] is an [integrated circuit ] composed of 32 [memory banks ] each 8192 columns wide by 65536 rows tall. The [DRAM ] temporarily stores data using capacitors and [transistors ] called 1T1C memory cells in 2D arrays that look like this. Data can be accessed within nanoseconds, however, among these 8 chips, only 16 Gigabytes of data can be temporarily stored. Take a look at our 35-minute video on [DRAM ], but for now let’s move on to [SSDs ] which permanently store data in 3D arrays called 3D [NAND ]. This array is 100 to 200 layers tall, 32 to 64 thousand columns wide and 32 to 64 thousand rows deep. Additionally, within a single [SSD chip ] such as this one, are multiple 3D [NAND arrays ] stacked one on top of the other. As a result, a single [microchip ] can store terabytes of data, however reading or writing data takes 50 or so microseconds, which is 3000 times slower than [DRAM ]. Zooming in on a single [SSD memory cell ] we find a charge trap which stores different levels of charge allowing for 3 bits of data to be more permanently saved. Looking at the [NVMe ] and [SATA SSD ], both have a few 3D [NAND data storage chips ], a [DRAM chip ] for buffering and holding the data mapping table and a [controller chip ].
Let’s move on and dissect the [hard disk drive ]. Here we have a disk mounted to a spindle with a motor that rotates the disk at thousands of rpm. A read write head moves across the disk in order to access a single track out of half a million other data tracks. Let’s zoom in on the read write head. The write head changes the direction of localized magnetic domains in a small layer on the disk whereas the read head senses these changes in magnetic domains. This [disk drive ] is even slower than the [SSD ], taking a few milliseconds to access, thus resulting in slower read and write times, but costing less per terabyte of storage.
Thus far we’ve covered all the [hardware ] inside your computer. So, thanks for watching this far, and as a bonus here’s what it looks like inside a [computer mouse ], with the scroll wheel up top, the infrared light, image sensor, and multiple lenses down here and the battery and processor in the middle. For [computer mice ] we have separate dedicated videos exploring the image sensor and scroll wheel with incredible details. Additionally, here’s what it looks like inside a basic [keyboard ], with plastic traces that carry electricity to each key and, when pressed, that key completes a circuit which is sensed by the processor up here.
That’s pretty much it for what it looks like inside your computer. We believe the future will require a strong emphasis on engineering education and we’re thankful to all our Patreon and YouTube Membership Sponsors for supporting this dream. If you want to support us on YouTube Memberships, or Patreon, you can find the links in the description. Also, thank you again to Brilliant for sponsoring this video.
This is Branch Education, and we create 3D animations that dive deep into the technology that drives our modern world. Watch another Branch video by clicking one of these cards or click here to subscribe. Thanks for watching to the end!
让我们继续看看DRAM、固态硬盘和机械硬盘。我们不会花太多时间,因为我们有一整系列关于固态硬盘的视频,然后是单独的视频介绍DRAM和机械硬盘。但简单来说,CPU通过内存通道直接与DRAM通信,运行在主板内部。每个这些8个DRAM芯片内部有一个集成电路,由32个内存银行组成,每个银行有8192列,65536行。DRAM通过称为1T1C存储单元的电容和晶体管以2D阵列临时存储数据,看起来是这样的。数据可以在纳秒内访问,然而,在这8个芯片中,只能临时存储16GB的数据。观看我们关于DRAM的35分钟视频,但现在让我们继续讨论SSD,它们以3D阵列永久存储数据,称为3D NAND。这个阵列有100到200层高,32到64000列宽,32到64000行深。此外,在单个SSD芯片中,如此一个,多个3D NAND阵列叠加在一起。结果,一个微芯片可以存储TB的数据,然而,读取或写入数据需要大约50微秒,比DRAM慢3000倍。放大单个SSD存储单元,我们发现一个电荷捕获器,存储不同的电荷水平,允许永久保存3位数据。看一下NVMe和SATA SSD,两个都有几个3D NAND数据存储芯片,一个DRAM芯片用于缓存和保存数据映射表,还有一个控制芯片。
这是Branch Education,我们创建3D动画,深入探讨驱动现代世界的技术。点击这些卡片观看另一部Branch视频,或点击这里订阅。感谢观看到最后!
Throughout this video we’re going to do a desktop computer dissection using 3D animation. Kind of like a dissection lab in biology class, but instead, we’ll journey through the inside of this computer and disassemble every piece of hardware. We’ll then use a microscope and zoom in to give you a nanoscopic view of the transistors and other structures inside. To make this video we disassembled all the hardware inside a typical desktop computer, we desoldered and removed the components from each of the printed circuit boards and took thousands of pictures. Then using these pictures, we meticulously 3D modeled every single component from the computer case down to the tiniest resistor. As a result, here’s all the hardware that we’ll explore throughout this video. It kind of looks like a crime scene where someone viciously destroyed a computer and arranged all the components, but anyways let’s dive right in.
We’ll begin this journey with the Central Processing Unit or CPU which is the brain of the computer. On top we have the cover, called an integrated heat spreader, and inside is a smaller metal package that holds the integrated circuit which is technically called a die. This die is mounted on a printed circuit board that distributes the 1200 connection points to landing pads that interface with the landing grid array on the motherboard. The integrated circuit inside has a few different sections, but perhaps the most recognizable are the 10 cores where programs and instructions are run. Each core is quite complicated, so here’s a diagram laying out the different functional sections. There are dozens of rather complicated elements in this diagram, and you can look forward to a series of videos we’re currently planning which will explore computer architecture and how each of these sections work.
Let’s zoom into a nanoscopic view of the integrated circuit so we can see individual transistors. These transistors are incredibly small, only a few nanometers wide and in this die there are approximately 8 to 10 billion. On top of the transistors are multiple layers of metal wires with vias rising vertically between the layers. Together these transistors and wires create a multilayer labyrinth or highway resulting in a computer that can execute billions of operations every second. Let’s now zoom out and look at other sections of the CPU. To the side of each core is the shared L3 memory cache and ring interconnect. On the far right is an integrated graphics processor which functions as a less powerful GPU; in the top left is the memory controller which sends data to and from the DRAM; and finally on the far left is the system agent and platform I/O, which communicates with the Chipset on the motherboard and manages the flow of data between many of the other components in your PC.
This motherboard is a massive, printed circuit board with thousands of wires running inside and a variety of microchips, components, sockets, ports, slots, headers, and connectors soldered to it. Perhaps the single most important and expensive component, aside from the bare PCB, is the Chipset, which is this integrated circuit found underneath a heat sink down here and is connected directly to the system agent section in the CPU. Here’s a diagram illustrating how the CPU and chipset are connected to everything else. As seen here, the CPU connects directly to the DRAM, one or two displays, the GPU, and perhaps a few SSDs plugged into the M2 slots. The Chipset manages most everything else: data flowing through the ethernet or Wi-Fi, data going to and from solid state drives and hard drives plugged into the SATA ports, some of the PCIe slots, your keyboard and mouse, USB devices, and the audio sent to the speakers or from the microphone.
Just a quick note, computer hardware has evolved immensely over the past 65 years and continues to evolve, so the details we show should be thought of as a current day example PC and not as how all computers work. Let’s move on and skip over the many different sockets and connectors throughout the motherboard and focus on the voltage regulator module or VRM found near the CPU. These components are used to drop the voltage coming from the power supply down to the 1.3 volts used by the CPU. As a result of all the power flowing through these components and their 80 to 90 percent efficiency, heat sinks need to be placed on top. While we’re on the topic of power, this CPU consumes power equivalent to approximately 16 LED bulbs, thus generating a considerable amount of heat which is taken away by the CPU cooler. This particular cooler uses a pump to circulate liquid through these tubes and into the radiator’s channels which transfers heat to the radiator fins. The fans then help transfer the heat to the air and the cooled liquid returns to the pump via the return loop. The pump is a brushless DC motor constructed from a PCB, a control chip, and a stator on the dry side, a barrier in the middle, and then the permanent magnet rotor
and impeller on the liquid side. There’s no mechanical connection between the rotor and stator, thereby preventing any leaks of the cooling liquid.
Let’s move onto the power supply which distributes power throughout the computer. In here, the main transformer reduces the voltage and bridges the isolation boundary between the primary side high voltage and the secondary side lower voltages used throughout your computer. Here’s the control PCB that ensures a stable output voltage and sends adjustment signals to the switching power transistor on the primary side using opto-isolators. There are dozens of other components used to filter the input voltage and generate various output voltages which are then sent to all the different hardware in your computer. For example, an SSD consumes just a few watts, and the connector uses these voltages, whereas your GPU can consume hundreds of watts using these connectors and these voltages.
Next, we’ll explore the GPU, but before that, let’s take a step back and consider the technology we’ve covered thus far. Alone, each of these components doesn’t do much at all, but when united, they combine to form a powerful system. Similarly, this video is a multidisciplinary combination of engineering, technology, art, and animation inspired by the Magic School Bus.
Let’s get back to dissecting this computer and move onto the graphics card and GPU which is also the brain of the computer… well, actually this analogy doesn’t really work very well but anyway… Opening the graphics card we see another PCB, with the GPU’s integrated circuit in the center, VRAM chips all around, and the voltage regulator module on the side. Above the IC is a heat sink with a fan to dissipate heat, and on the side of the graphics card are HDMI and Display Ports, a PCIe Interface, and then on the other side is the input power connector.
Let’s focus on the GPU integrated circuit which, similar to the CPU, has more than a thousand solder pads that connect it to the PCB. Opening the packaging we find the GPU die which is noticeably different from the CPU. In here are approximately 11.8 billion transistors organized into 6 graphics processing clusters, totaling 28 streaming multiprocessors. Each streaming multiprocessor is composed of 128 cores, resulting in a total of 3,584 cores. Each core has sections for integer and floating-point arithmetic, and sections for queueing in the operands and collecting the results and is far simpler than a CPU core. Additionally, on the die is an L2 memory cache shared among all the graphics processing clusters, a set of memory controllers that connect to the VRAM located around the processor, and a PCIe interface for connecting to the CPU.
When we zoom in to see a nanoscopic view of the integrated circuit we find something very similar to what we saw in the CPU, with the transistors on the bottom and a labyrinth of multiple layers of metal wires above. All these structures are manufactured in multibillion dollar semiconductor fabrication plants or fabs but that’s a topic for a whole different video, so let’s move on. GPUs and CPUs are similar in many ways, however, GPUs have thousands of cores that are limited to basic arithmetic, whereas CPUs have only a handful of cores that perform far more complicated operations. Additionally, CPUs have branch prediction and deep pipelines that optimize the execution of code. Here’s a quick example of what GPUs can do. Take this image comprised of 16 million pixels each with RGB values for each pixel. A simple way to brighten the image is to add 20 to each of these numbers. A CPU has 10 cores and thus performs arithmetic 10 numbers at a time whereas GPUs distribute the data to thousands of cores thus performing magnitudes more parallel processing
Let’s close this graphics card and talk briefly about the 3D model. Note that this is a slightly older model graphics card because we buy most of our hardware as non-functioning parts from eBay, and then, as shown earlier, we tear them down rather destructively in order to accurately model everything. Additionally, sometimes components shown aren’t compatible, such as this motherboard that says DDR4, while the DRAM is DDR5.
That said, modeling and animating everything to make it feel like you’re actually inside a computer took us around 500 hours and we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few seconds to hit that like button, subscribe if you haven’t already, type up a quick comment below, and share this video with someone who will enjoy it. Also, we have a Patreon and would appreciate any support. We’re planning more videos on computer architecture and other related topics and can’t do it without your help, so thank you for doing these 4 quick things. It helps a ton.
Let’s move on and look at the DRAM, Solid State Drives, and Hard Drives. We’re not going to spend too long, because we have an entire series of videos on solid state drives, and then separate videos covering DRAM, and Hard Drives. But quickly, the CPU communicates directly with the DRAM through memory channels running inside the motherboard. Inside each of these 8 DRAM chips is an integrated circuit composed of 32 memory banks each 8192 columns wide by 65536 rows tall. The DRAM temporarily stores data using capacitors and transistors called 1T1C memory cells in 2D arrays that look like this. Data can be accessed within nanoseconds, however, among these 8 chips, only 16 Gigabytes of data can be temporarily stored. Take a look at our 35-minute video on DRAM, but for now let’s move on to SSDs which permanently store data in 3D arrays called 3D NAND. This array is 100 to 200 layers tall, 32 to 64 thousand columns wide and 32 to 64 thousand rows deep. Additionally, within a single SSD chip such as this one, are multiple 3D NAND arrays stacked one on top of the other. As a result, a single microchip can store terabytes of data, however reading or writing data takes 50 or so microseconds, which is 3000 times slower than DRAM. Zooming in on a single SSD memory cell we find a charge trap which stores different levels of charge allowing for 3 bits of data to be more permanently saved. Looking at the NVMe and SATA SSD, both have a few 3D NAND data storage chips, a DRAM chip for buffering and holding the data mapping table and a controller chip.
Let’s move on and dissect the hard disk drive. Here we have a disk mounted to a spindle with a motor that rotates the disk at thousands of rpm. A read write head moves across the disk in order to access a single track out of half a million other data tracks. Let’s zoom in on the read write head. The write head changes the direction of localized magnetic domains in a small layer on the disk whereas the read head senses these changes in magnetic domains. This disk drive is even slower than the SSD, taking a few milliseconds to access, thus resulting in slower read and write times, but costing less per terabyte of storage.
Thus far we’ve covered all the hardware inside your computer. So, thanks for watching this far, and as a bonus here’s what it looks like inside a computer mouse, with the scroll wheel up top, the infrared light, image sensor, and multiple lenses down here and the battery and processor in the middle. For computer mice we have separate dedicated videos exploring the image sensor and scroll wheel with incredible details. Additionally, here’s what it looks like inside a basic keyboard, with plastic traces that carry electricity to each key and, when pressed, that key completes a circuit which is sensed by the processor up here.
That’s pretty much it for what it looks like inside your computer. We believe the future will require a strong emphasis on engineering education and we’re thankful to all our Patreon and YouTube Membership Sponsors for supporting this dream. If you want to support us on YouTube Memberships, or Patreon, you can find the links in the description. Also, thank you again to Brilliant for sponsoring this video.
This is Branch Education, and we create 3D animations that dive deep into the technology that drives our modern world. Watch another Branch video by clicking one of these cards or click here to subscribe. Thanks for watching to the end!
Unit 4 Processor FundamentalsUnit 3 Hardware: Computers and Their Components